As Adopted on January 13, 1936 and as
Amended December 9, 1942; December 14, 1948;
December 5, 1960; September 25, 1984; June 23, 1988;
December 9, 2002; December 16, 2003; December 8, 2009; December 4, 2012 and May 29, 2019
To the end that elections of Trustees of the Bronxville Schools may be conducted on a non-partisan basis, the plan, which follows was adopted:
1. At an informal meeting of the Bronxville School District (which term used herein shall be understood to mean Union Free School District No. 3), held on January 13, 1936, there was chosen a committee known as the committee for non-partisan nomination and election of School Trustees (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”).
2. The Committee shall consist of three members from each election district of the Town of Eastchester (hereinafter called “election district”) situated in the Bronxville School District, as such districts may at any time hereafter be constituted. One third of the Committee shall be elected each year for a three-year term. All terms begin on July 1st following election to the Committee, except where members are elected to fill vacancies, in which cases the election shall be for the unexpired term. Members of the Committee shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age and shall have resided in the Bronxville School District for at least one (1) year as of the first day on which their term begins.
3. During the month of May (but after the Trustee election) through the first Tuesday of June of each year an election shall be held for the purpose of electing, by plurality of the residents in each district, one member of the Committee from each election district and for filling the unexpired terms, respectively, of vacancies which shall exist, preserving in so doing the election district representation as constituted in the original Committee.
The Committee shall cause notice of such election to be given by publication of a notice during the month of March in the local media and on the website of the Bronxville School District. Such notice shall specify the timing of the election, briefly state the purpose thereof, and shall state the procedure by which any person may have their name placed upon the ballot.
Not later than ten (10) days prior to the mailing of the ballots, the Committee shall make available to the community a brief biography of all candidates whose names will appear on the ballot.
As soon as practicable in May, but not less than twenty (20) days prior to the scheduled NPC meeting whereby ballots will be counted, the Committee shall cause to be distributed in each district a ballot in form for return mailing to the Secretary of the Committee.
Names shall appear on the ballot alphabetically by district. The ballot shall include:
(a) the name of each candidate standing for election to a position then to be filled in said district;
(b) a blank line for each position for write-in vote.
The ballots for each district shall be distributed in such manner and to such extent as the Committee shall deem feasible in the light of the facilities and funds available therefore at the time.
4. All residents of the Village of Bronxville eighteen (18) years of age or older shall be entitled to vote for members of the Committee. United States citizenship is not a requirement. If the right of any person to vote shall be challenged, such right shall be determined by the person appointed to administer the election.
A ballot shall be validly cast, if signed by a voter and received by mail or otherwise by the Secretary of the Committee prior to the meeting.
An independent organization, such as the League of Women Voters, shall be responsible for supervising the counting of the ballots. The person who receives a plurality of the votes for each position shall be elected. If there is more than one position to be filled in any election district, the candidate with the most votes will get the longer term.
5. The Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) The primary duty of the Committee shall be to procure the election of Trustees of the Bronxville School District in a non-partisan manner and to this end the Committee shall not later than thirty (30) days prior to each election of Trustees, choose a nominee or nominees for members of the Board of Trustees of the Bronxville School District for the vacancy or vacancies on the Board to be filled at such election; and shall take such steps as shall be necessary to cause the names of such nominee or nominees to be placed upon the election ballots by independent petition. In choosing such candidates, their party affiliations shall be disregarded and consideration given solely to their qualifications for the position. It shall be the duty of the Committee to take all proper steps to procure the election of the candidates so nominated.
(b) The Committee shall have power to choose its own chairperson, secretary and such other officers as it shall desire, and to prescribe its procedures.
(c) The Committee shall have the power to temporarily fill, for a term expiring with the next succeeding election of members to the Committee, vacancies which shall occur in the membership of the Committee between the annual election provided in paragraph 3 above, preserving in so doing the election district representation as constituted in the original Committee. Removal by any member of the Committee from the election district in respect of which the member was chosen shall ipso facto cause a vacancy to be filled in the aforesaid manner.
(d) Any matters or questions which may arise in connection with this Plan not covered herein shall be determined by majority vote of all members of the Committee until made the subject of an amendment as provided in paragraph 6 of this document.
6. This Plan shall be subject to amendment by referendum of all voters eligible to vote in an NPC election. Such amendments may be submitted by the Committee on its own motion or submitted by the Committee on timely written request to the Committee, signed by fifteen (15) persons eligible to vote in an NPC election.