The Bronxville Non-Partisan Committee (“NPC”) is pleased to announce its endorsement of three nominees, Michael Brandes, Erin Seuffert and Alexa Zannetos, for the upcoming election of Trustees for the Bronxville School Board on May 17th, 2022 in the Blue Gym at the Bronxville school.
The NPC nomination process
The NPC was formed in 1936 to foster the election of Trustees of the Bronxville School on a non-partisan basis. This has proven to be very successful for Bronxville, leading to decades of responsive and proactive governance for our District. The NPC’s goal is to seek highly qualified Bronxville residents committed to serving our community.
This year’s vetting process included the following:
- Meeting with current and former Trustees to understand the challenges and needs of the School Board
- Reviewing written application materials submitted by the candidates
- Interviewing each of the 12 candidates
- Conducting phone reference checks with over 40 different individuals
- Reviewing over 70 emails that were received from the community regarding the candidates
- Meeting with community members to solicit additional feedback
NPC Members
The Non-Partisan Committee is composed of 21 Bronxville residents who are elected by a public process (3 representatives from each of Bronxville’s 7 election districts). This year’s NPC consists of a diverse group of individuals that are engaged members of the community with a vested interest in the success of the Bronxville school system. Details about the NPC membership include:
- 10 women and 11 men
- Over 185 years of cumulative experience living and working in Bronxville
- Parents to over 50 children with students in each of the Elementary, Middle and High Schools
- Diverse set of professional backgrounds across healthcare, technology, publishing, real estate, social services, law, consulting, marketing and finance
Meet our Candidates
To give the Bronxville Community an opportunity to meet Alexa, Erin and Michael, the NPC is hosting a reception on Wednesday April 20, 2022, at 7PM at the Bronxville Field Club (40 Locust Lane Mount Vernon, NY). Bronxville residents are encouraged to join, learn more and ask the NPC endorsed candidates questions.
With the NPC’s endorsement and support, Alexa, Erin and Michael will be placed on the ballot for the district wide election being held on Tuesday May 17, 2022 (polls are open 7AM – 9PM). The polling location is the Blue Gym at the Bronxville School (through the Meadow Avenue entrance). Further detailed information about the election, including how to obtain and vote by absentee ballot, is available on the District website:
To learn more about the NPC, or to contact us, visit, follow us on Instagram @bronxvillenpc or email us at